Barangay Election
Last October 29, 2007 the government schedule it a holiday to give way for the Barangay election. It’s been a while since the last barangay election happened; if I could remember it right that as last 2002 almost 5 years ago. Anyhow, I could not compare anything from this recent election to the other elections in past since nothing had change. It was still the same that I saw since the first time I practice my right on voting. There are still a lot of people at lost since they can’t see their name in the list even though they used to vote every election. The counting that took almost midnight before fishing the counting, I know the feeling because I once experience being a PPCRV representative in one of the .elections that I attended. It wasn’t easy but it was really hard. My only question in mind is that: when will the Philippine election be improve or will it be forever like the old times?!?

This is how it looks like outside the school.
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