The World Wide Web
Internet is a very useful tool for most of us – if not to all – especially to those who know how to really explore or use the World Wide Web. It’s quite awhile that I’ve had been dealing and grinning this world of internet because of the career I am venturing. I was not introduced fully to internet in my younger years and maybe many of us are still unaware what internet can give us, before I just use this tool in searching for research papers, assignment, emails and friendster – and maybe many of us look at it that way. Very little that we know, it is one of the most powerful tools that we all have and can be enjoyed. From being one of the easiest way to communicate to people now becoming more than just for emailing but also a place to be able to get what we need. You can find anything in the net right know, from getting your favorite songs, watching your favorite movies, answer to you research projects...hehehehe ...getting the latest in fashion clothing such as men’s and women’s clothing up to the smallest garments like men’s and women’s underwear. These are just little of the things that we get from these one of the most powerful tools in this generation – The World Wide Web (even Optimus Prime will agree with this, that's were he learned our language remember?)– but actually everything that we need might be just one click away from us. Us this tools wisely and you'll surely learn a lot on what it can do to your life. To end this, let me quote what my colleagues usually say when we are looking for something: “Google it! Everything is in there; it’s just a matter of searching it!” 

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