

i wanna let you in on a secret..I'm not who you think i am..in fact my disguise is so thin, I'm surprised you haven't seen right through me..I'm the girl of your dreams masquerading as your best friend..sometimes i wanna remove this like i did in spring formal..but i cant...coz you'll get scared and you'll run away again...so i decided that its better to live with a lie than express my true feelings..this is so much easier when your unconscious..my dad told me that there are two types of girls : the one's you grow out of and the one's you grow into...i really hope I'm the latter...i may not be the one you love today..but I'll let you go for now and hoping one day you'll find way back to me...'coz i can cure the wait...

-- got this from a friend, L.A... I just like it's message, that's it! hehehe