I’m not a movie lover but I want to share the movies I get to love… Let’s take a look some of them…
>> Why Count of Monte Cristo? I haven’t read the book of this movie though, but I almost memorize the lines of this movie - I think I watched it 7 times or more, I’m really sure…hehehe…Anyway, there are two things that made me love the movie so much, one; is the dress that they have in the plot of the story, it was very glamorous!! How I wished I had my life in that era. Hahaha… And lastly it’s more about learning the lesson of vengeance. The vengeance that we will never have in our hands; it’s always in the hand of the Creator.
>>Many people doesn’t enjoy a musical movie neither I because of the connotation that musical movies are boring, but there are always an exception. I never thought that I’ll enjoy watching The Phantom of the Opera, maybe because of the kind of outfit again? hehehe… But more than the dresses, it’s the voices that really capture my full attention and made me smile and touched my heart in listening to them while talking to each other in a form of song. By just hearing to their songs of conversation you could feel every single emotion they are portraying. The anger of Phantom, the love that Christine and Joshua have, all of this was felt in the entire movie of songs.
>>Justice, loyalty and love are the values that we can see in this movie, The Rock. Justice – asking justice for those who need it, doesn’t give us the right of putting it in our hands and start hurting innocent people. Loyalty – your loyalty doesn’t end in your boss but more that is on the people that truly serve – the one that you live your life for. And Love – that even if the people around you did something wrong on you or on the people you love and cherish, still it’s not worth hurting them.
Count of Monte Cristo, Phantom of the Opera, and The Rock, are the movies that capture my heart and made fall in love in their stories,… These are some of my favorite movie that I'll never get tired watching. Most of them (if not all of them) are movies that show a realistic view of life – I guess. The sad thing about this is that I never got the chance of watching them in the big screen… And I’ll never know about these movies if not because of my brother-in-law’s recommendation – plus my sister (riza) of course. Hahaha…Thanks to both of them!!